Claim Received - Sample Letter

Sun Hill Top (Pvt) Ltd
No: 250/1/32T
Sun Hill Top ,
No: 250, Bokundara Mawatha.
Colombo- 13

21StDecember, 2011

Ranasingha condominium Corporation
No: 250, Bokundara Mawatha.
Colombo- 13

Dear Sir

Claim No        : G/PL/1/010/1001124/2012
Policy No        : GP/010/PL/16111
Location          : 250/1/32T

We write to confirm receipt of People’s Bank, Lucky Plaza Branch, Cheque No: 4425631 dated 20thDecember 2011 for a sum of Rs. 40,750/= (Rupees Forty Thousand Seven Hundred And Fifty Only) as full and final Payment of all monies due from Ranasingha condominium Corporation and/ or secure Insurance, in relation to the above claim.

We have no further claims whatsoever.

Thanking You,

Mr. Y.T.Udumalagala
(Chairperson/Managing Director)
NIC No : 

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